June 18, 2010

Insufferable Know-It-Alls

Striking Against! Really Self-righteous People.

So, there are numerous people that I know who always have to be right, always have to have the last word, and think, in a nutshell, they're top shit.

To whom it may concern, you're not.

I'm sick of hearing certain people disrespecting and putting other people down for how they look or what they wear.
I do not think it's acceptable for anyone to judge another on their weight. Yes, I do realise that some people can help it, and choose to do nothing about it, but it's their choice, their life, let them be. And saying insensitive things like "if it's because of a horrible disease, why aren't you in hospital" really, really makes me feel ashamed for them. Not only is it completely tactless, many of these diseases which effect weight gain and loss are chronic. You can not live in a hospital. What are they supposed to do?
And having a little rant about people wearing, dressing looking a certain way isn't the nicest thing to do either. Did it ever occur to you that maybe, even though you don't approve, they like they way they look. And hey, you never know, they could even be expressing themselves. Last time I checked, I swear that was okay.

To whom this may concern, here are some tips for you:
1. Think
2. Think with empathy
3. Pull your head out of your arse
4. Don't speak
I even simplified them for you!

Strike out little ones.

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